Production of smoked cheese
ENG Wędzenie sera

Smoking is a way to enrich the taste of cheese.

Smoke, by evaporating moisture in the cheese, brings fat to the surface of the cheese. Combined with smoke, fat has preservative properties - as long as the cheese is kept dry.
Smoking gives the cheese an interesting taste and a beautiful golden color. (Note: we paraffinize (wax) the cheese only after smoking.)

The key principle of smoking is weak fire. The cheese should not heat up (which may cause it to lose fat), but hang in a room filled with smoke, where the temperature is not higher than 4.5 degrees C.
The best types of wood for smoking cheese are oak and apple trees.

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Cheese maturing process
ENG Dojrzewanie serów

During this stage, the cheese acquires the taste and character appropriate to its species. Ripening can last for several days to several years. During this stage, carefully control the temperature and humidity of the room where the cheese matures. The right temperature is very important for the development of bacteria that we added to the milk at the very beginning. In turn, their development will ensure a sufficient level of acidity, thanks to which the cheese will be preserved. Most cheeses require a temperature between 8 and 16°C and a fairly humid environment - 75-95%. The key aspect of the maturation process is the constant exchange of gases emitted by the cheese (including carbon dioxide and ammonia) and oxygen present in the atmosphere.

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Cheese paraffinizing / waxing
ENG Parafinowanie / woskowanie sera

After drying the finished cheese, when it produces dry skin, it can be covered with food paraffin, which will avoid excessive drying and delay mold growth during the ripening process.

Some cheeses, e.g. Swiss or Parmesan, have a thick, natural skin and are not paraffinated. However, even these types of cheese can be paraffinated if they weigh 1 kg or less, which will prevent them from drying out too much and undesirable hardening.

Before paraffinizing, cool the cheese in the fridge for several hours - thanks to this the paraffin will stick better.
Heat the paraffin in a water bath, preferably on a stove equipped with a kitchen hood. Vapors are very flammable, so we recommend caution when melting.
To prevent the formation of unwanted mold, wipe the cheese with a cloth slightly moistened with vinegar, and dry the cheese on a clean surface.

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Typical potential problems
ENG Typowe potencjalne problemy

Check what problems you may face when making cheese and see how you can deal with them! :)

  • The finished cheese is too dry and hard.
  • The milk does not coagulate and does not form a solid curd.
  • After pressing, it is difficult to remove the cheese cloth; pieces of cheese break away with the cloth.
  • After cutting the cheese, you can see small holes in it - the cheese looks like a sponge.
  • During drying or after paraffinizing, mould develops on the surface of the cheese.
  • and other problems...
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Cheese Dictionary
ENG Słowniczek serowarski

Learn the terms used in cheese-making.

At the beginning of your adventure, see the nomenclature used in cheese making.

Understanding these strange-sounding words will help you understand the recipes and technological descriptions.

Annatto, mould, calcium chloride, cheese cloth, coagulation, lactic acid, muslin, pasteurization, pressing, starter cultures, maturation... and many, many more.

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